OutoftheBox enables the sharing of ideas…

A group of OutoftheBox storytellers who use OutoftheBox in schools share ideas about how a safe and brave atmosphere is created in OutoftheBox so that ideas can flow.

It’s a circle - no hierarchy.
The slow pace - a child doesn’t feel the rush to get an answer in.
It is open ended which means that there isn’t a right or wrong answer - it is playful.
Permission giving.
All people’s ideas are included - they are all valued.
Cooperation - working things out together.
Randomness and each end result is different - no one can predict what will happen next - everyone is discovering and delighting in together
The visual in the circle enables everyone to be involved - it’s not a story which is shared ‘up front’
Equality means people feel accepted and affirmed.
We trust in the inner wisdom of the child and the wisdom of the peer group.
As storytellers we need to step back and allow the wondering to work - to get out of the way to give freedom for the group to develop their ideas and engage with each other (or we risk interrupting the play).
The storyteller is there to notice, to encourage, to affirm, reflect back and to clarify.
The storyteller does not bring their own ideas in or is not their to judge the ideas.
The storyteller is there to hold the space and to model good relationships and to show unconditional positive regard.
Diversity is celebrated - each child is free to be themselves.
There is love.


World Refugee Day


Loose parts play